Exeter is a fast growing city and there are many planning proposals - some of which have a negative effect on our green spaces and trees. Any such planning proposals will be listed on my Blog so everybody is fully aware of the situation and have a fair say in the matter. Please note that once a planning application is put forward and becomes available on the Exeter planning web site - we only have 21 days to comment. It is important that as many comments are added as it will help 'steer' fairer decision making for our trees and green spaces.
Please check out my Blog for key information and news about the various planning proposals in Exeter. General planning news will be listed below as well as any other useful material. For a general overview and weekly planning list of whats going in in Exeter please click here. To sign up to the weekly planning newsletter please click here. The weekly planning newsletter is very useful - just remember to check your junk / spam folder! For old weekly lists please click here.
Land Off Pendragon Road Pendragon Road Exeter Devon (22/0511/OUT). Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 100 dwellings and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved except access). This is an ongoing application with previous references. The original Blog can be found here.
Honeylands Hospital For Children Pinhoe Road Exeter Devon EX4 8AD (22/0384/LBC). Proposed restoration and redevelopment of the former Honeylands children's centre comprising demolition of all extensions to the original Honeylands building, internal and external alterations to the original building and construction of replacement part single/part two storey extensions. Proposed removal of semi-sunken air raid shelter and the demolition of a section of Pinhoe Road boundary wall to create new vehicular access from Pinhoe Road. Please click here for the Blog.
Yeoman Gardens, Newcourt Road, Topsham (22/0269/FUL). Residential development of 16 dwellings (including 35% affordable housing), access from Newcourt Road and associated works. Please click here for the Blog.
Land At Aldens Farm West Shillingford Road Exeter Devon (22/0178/RES). Reserved matters approval of layout, scale, apperance and landscaping pursuant to Outline Planning Permission Ref.15/0641/OUT. Please click here for the original Blog.
Land At Retreat Drive Topsham Devon (22/0268/FUL). Build apartment block of 17 no. units, including gymnasium, car parking and cycle storage, communal space, vehicular access and all associated development. Please click here for the Blog.
Land On The West Side Of Clyst Road Topsham Exeter Devon (22/0142/OUT). Outline planning application for the construction of up to 100 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Means of access to be determined with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration). (Resubmission of 21/0894/OUT). Please click here for the original Blog.
Land At Ikea Way Ikea Way Exeter Devon (21/0496/FUL). Construction of 184 dwellings, means of access, public open space and associated infrastructure (Re-submission of refusal 19/1647/FUL- Revised Plans). Please click here for the original Blog.
The Old Coal Yard, Exmouth Junction, Mount Pleasant Road, Exeter (21/0960/RES). Approval of landscaping reserved matter for phase 1 of outline planning permission ref. 21/0910/VOC for the construction of 400 residential dwellings (Class C3), 65 senior living with care units (Class C2), new public open and green spaces, access road, refurbishment and extension of locally listed former water tower, and associated works. Decided and permitted. Previous ref 21/1495/FUL. and 19/0650/OUT. Please click here for the Blog.
Land Adjacent To Newcourt Road Topsham Devon (21/1940/OUT). Outline planning application for demolition of existing structures and construction of up to 30 no. residential units and associated infrastructure (Means of access to be determined with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration). Please click here for the Blog.
47 Homefield Road Exeter Devon EX1 2QR (21/0835/FUL). Conversion of Locally Listed main school building and Chapel, including demolition of redundant classrooms and outbuildings, alterations and extensions to retained buildings. Provision of two new residential units to retain one unit of accommodation and create 25 new residential units of accommodation. (Revised plans). Several established trees would be removed. Please click here for the Blog.
Land East Of Barley Lane Exeter EX4 1SU (21/1377/OUT). Outline planning application for residential development of up to 9 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Readvertisement). Approx 0.4 hectares of land to be made into housing. Small trees within the existing hedgerows at risk. Please click here for the Blog.
Land For Residential Development At Hill Barton Farm Hill Barton Road Exeter Devon (21/1701/OUT). Outline Planning Application for construction of up to 285 dwellings with all matters reserved for future consideration (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale). Approx 7.50 hectares of old farmland to be turned into housing for 285 homes. Established trees within the hedgerows are likely to be disturbed / removed to facitliate this proposal. Please click here for the Blog.
Land South Of Redhills And West Of Hadrian Drive Exeter Devon. (21/1822/OUT). Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 35 dwellings and associated infrastructure. The application form has confirmed trees are on the site and although no Arb report has been included it is fairly obvious the established trees and hedgeroows will be at risk of removal / reduction. Please click here for the Blog.
Exwick Changing Rooms Western Road Exeter Devon EX4 1EG (21/1710/FUL). Demolition of existing building to provide a new Sports Pavilion and All-Weather 3G Pitch. Seven trees are marked for 'dismantling' to accomodate this proposal. That and the installation of a sheet of plastic (astro turf) the negative impact it would have on the environment is very high. Please click here for the Blog.
Land At Corner Of The Retreat Drive Topsham Devon. Variation of Condition 2 of App Ref: 17/1656/FUL granted 8.1.2018 to vary design of the building for 10 apartments incorporating improvements to public realm and landscaping, undercroft car parking, electric bike dock and electric car charging points. The previous proposal was 20/0938/FULwhich was for a small office block. and the one before this was 17/1656/FUL which was 10 residental units. Please click here for the related Blog.
The Old Coal Yard Exmouth Junction Mount Pleasant Road Exeter Devon EX4 7AE. 21/1495/FUL. Construct a part 4, part 5 storey building containing 89 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure works, in Phase 3 (65 senior living with care units C2) forming part of a larger site granted Outline Planning Permission Ref: 19/0650/OUT. The current Blog can be found here.
The Harlequin Centre, Paul Street. Development of two Co-Living (Sui Generis) accommodation blocks, following demolition of existing shopping centre and pedestrian bridge, change of use of upper floors of 21-22 Queen Street to Co-Living (Sui Generis), and all associated works including parking, landscaping, amenity areas, public realm improvements, new pedestrian bridge and provision of heritage interpretation kiosk. (Revised) 21/1104/FUL. The current Blog can be found here.
Land off Pendragon Road, Exeter. Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 100 dwellings and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved except access) - Revised plans and additional information received.21/0020/OUT. The current Blog can be found here.
Land At Pinbrook Court, Pinhoe Road/Venny Bridge Road. Construction of Class E(a) foodstore (Use Classes Order 2020, previously Class A1) with associated parking, landscaping and access works. (Further revised plans) 19/1709/FULThe arb assesment advises that no trees are planned to be removed. The semi-mature English oak is recommended to have a TPO placed on it. There are four trees currently on the land (1 x English oak, 2 x young Common ash and 1 x Leyland Cypress / hedgerow. The landscaping scheme shows 5 different species of shrubs to be planted around the site - no mention of any trees. The current Blog can be found here.
***REFUSED*** Land at Redhills, Exwick Lane. Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 80 dwellings and associated infrastructure (resubmission). 21/1088/OUT. The current Blog can be found here. ***REFUSED***
Land at Ikea Way, Exeter. Construction of 184 dwellings, means of access, public open space and associated infrastructure (Re-submission of refusal 19/1647/FUL - Revised Plans). 21/0496/FUL. The current Blog can be found here.
***PERMITTED*** Land To The North Of Exeter Road Exeter Road Topsham Devon. Construction of an 86-bed care home and associated parking with vehicular access from Bewick Avenue (Alternative scheme to approved and extant application for a 72-bed care home application ref 20/0229/FUL). 21/0882/FUL. Approximately 0.49 hectares of unused green field for the adjusted 86 bed care home. Blog. ***PERMITTED***
Land To The West Of Clyst Road Topsham. Outline planning application for the construction of up to 100 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Means of access to be determined with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration). 21/0894/OUT. Approximately 5.57 hectares of old agricultural to be developed on to create 100 dwellings. Blog.
***PERMITTED*** Land At Aldens Farm East Chudleigh Road Exeter Devon. Approval of Reserved Matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (206 dwellings) in respect of Planning Permission Reference 15/0640/OUT granted 1 March 2021 (Revised Scheme - 14 Day Reconsultation). 21/0434/RES. Approximately 8.071 hectares of old agricultural to be developed on to create 206 dwellings (originally 234). Blog. ***PERMITTED***
Land Off Spruce Close And Celia Crescent Spruce Close Exeter Devon. Outline application for up to 93 residential dwellings (Approval sought for details of access only, with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping all reserved for future consideration) (Revised Scheme). 20/0538/OUT. Approximately 4.0949 hectares of open field to be developed on to create 93 dwellings. Several ash trees to be removed. Blog.
Land At Clyst Road Clyst Road Topsham Exeter Devon. Development of 15no. dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure works.. 21/0401/FUL. Approximately 0.64 hectares of old agricultural land to be developed on to create 15 dwellings. It is unlcear at this stage on the extent of existing hedgerow removal and if any of the exsiting trees will be at risk. Blog.
Land at Ikea Way, Exeter. Construction of 200 dwellings, means of access, public open space & associated infrastructure (Re-submission of refusal 19/1647/FUL). Approximatley 6.70 hectares of unused land to be developed on to create 184 dwellings - 21/0496/FUL.. Although the application form advides no trees will be impacted - it is fairly clear on Google maps there are several small trees and mixed shrubs on the far side of the proposal. Blog.
Land At Redhills Exwick Lane Exeter Devon. Outline planning application for up to 80 dwellings and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved except for access) - Revised Scheme. 20/1380/OUT. Approximately 4.10 hectares of old agricultural land to be developed on to create 80 mixed dwellings. Hedgerows and existing trees at risk. Blog.
Land At Home Farm Pinhoe Exeter. Outline planning application for the construction of up to 61 dwellings and associated infrastructure. 21/0223/OUT. Approximatley 3.7 hectares of old agricultural land with established hedgerows and trees on the boundaries. It is unclear at this stage what trees / hedges are at risk based on the application. Blog.
Land Off Pendragon Road Exeter Devon. Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 100 dwellings and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved except access). 21/0020/OUT. Approximately 4.9 acres of agricultural land which is very close the Mincinglake valley reserve. Due to the proximity it is likely a lot of the wildlife living in Mincinglake will also use these grounds. There are several mature oaks as well as established hedgerows. Blog.
Exmouth Junction Gateway Site Land Off Prince Charles Road Exeter EX4 7EE. Redevelopment of the site and construction of a part 3, part 5 storey building containing 51 residential units with associated access and servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and infrastructure ancillary to the residential use. 20/1187/FUL. A very small piece of land next to a very busy roundabout and supermarket. The site is situated next to an allotments. Currently this is open grassland and several small mixed shrubs which are mostly Buddleia. Blog.
Ambulance Station Gladstone Road Exeter Devon EX1 2EB. Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide co-living accommodation with associated accesses/egresses, landscaping and other external works (Revised Scheme). 19/1417/FUL. A good sized area with a beautiful Common ash tree on the grounds which the proposal is trying to remove. Blog.
Land At Corner Of Retreat Drive And Exeter Road Topsham Exeter. Construction of a commercial building extending to 2,866sqm (GIA) for the flexible use of Class B1a/D1/A2 office space and ancillary facilities, access, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. 20/0938/FUL. A small area with established canopy cover. 12 + mixed trees and shrubs would be lost if this proposal goes ahead. Blog.
Land Outside Mount Pleasant Health Centre Mount Pleasant Road Exeter Devon EX4 7BW. Installation of 15m high 5G telecommunication monopole with cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. 20/0932/TEL. Another proposal for a 5G tower which puts more trees and people at risk. Blog.
109 Cowick Lane Exeter Devon EX2 9HF. Outline permission for two detached houses within the garden (All matters reserved for future consideration). 20/0807/OUT. This house is on the corner between Larch road and Cowick lane and currently has a very high amount of canopy cover. Blog.
Land At Sidmouth Road Exeter EX2 7HL. Installation of 20m high 5G telecommunication monopole with cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. Blog.
26 St Albans Close Exeter Devon EX4 2NE. Construction of 3 no. terraced dwellings with access, parking, landscaping and associated works. 20/0714/FUL . A small area of land but contains a lot of established trees and shrubs. Blog.
Clifton Hill Sports Centre Clifton Hill Exeter Devon EX1 2DJ. Demolition of existing sport facility and rifle range and redevelopment of the site to provide 44 new dwellings, associated car parking, amenity space and access. 20/0691/FUL. Blog..
Land Off Spruce Close And Celia Crescent Exeter. Outline application for up to 105 residential dwellings (Approval sought for details of access only, with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping all reserved for future consideration. 20/0538/OUT. Several established hedgerows with Ash, Elm and Blackthorn will be removed / reduced as part of this proposal. Two community orchards will be planted along with several new trees. Blog.
The Harlequin Centre Paul Street Exeter Devon EX4 3TT. Development of a Co-Living (Sui Generis) accommodation block and a hotel (Class C1) including bar and restaurant, following demolition of existing shopping centre and pedestrian bridge, change of use of upper floors of 21-22 Queen Street to Co-Living (Sui Generis), and all associated works including parking, landscaping, amenity areas, public realm improvements, new pedestrian bridge and provision of heritage interpretation kiosk. (Revised). 19/1556/FUL. Current plans point to losing 1 x Cherry and 4 x Sycamore trees. Blog.
Aldens Farm West Land Between Shillingford Road And Chudleigh Road Alphington Exeter EX2.Residential development including new access onto Shillingford Road and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved for future consideration except access). [Revised scheme]. 15/0641/OUT. Around 4 acres of old agricultural land with established hedgerows. Some of this would be replaced / reduced and alternative hedging replaced where needed. The proposal is for up to 116 dwellings. Blog.
Land To The North Of Arran Gardens Hollow Lane And Higher Furlong Monkerton. Construction of 44 dwellings; car parking including garages; landscaping; internal access roads and associated infrastructure and engineering works. 18/1625/FUL. The proposal will aim to retain most of the current hedgerows but one long strip with around 11 apple trees is at risk. Up to 35 trees to be planted. Blog.
Land To The North East Of Newcourt Road Topsham Exeter EX3 0BU. Residential development of 27 dwellings (including 35% affordable housing), access from Newcourt Road, public open space and associated works. 20/0437/FUL. A small open fielded area with established hedgerows with several trees growing within them. A section of the existing hedgerow would be removed. Blog.
Ambulance Station Gladstone Road Exeter Devon EX1 2EB. Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide co-living accommodation with associated accesses/egresses, landscaping and other external works. 19/1417/FUL. (An already very busy area with high traffic - the mature Common ash tree would be felled if the planning is approved). Blog.
Agricultural Field Adjoining 46 Newcourt Road Topsham Exeter. Submission of all reserved matters (appearance, landscape, layout and scale), pursuant to Planning Permission Reference 18/1120/OUT for development of site to provide 7 residential units (3 open market and 4 self-build plots) with access from Newcourt Road. 20/0121/RES. (A small area next to a railway line. 4+ mature trees would be felled and 10+ young trees planted. The existing hedgerows would be maintained). Blog.
Land At Broom Park Nurseries And Five Acres Exeter Road Topsham EX3 0LY. Demolition of existing buildings: Proposed residential development of 64 no. residential units, including affordable housing, plus open space, landscaping, car parking, cycle spaces, drainage, vehicular access, internal roads, provision of link road and all associated infrastructure and development. 20/0321/FUL. (Open agricultural land with existing several hedgerows and small buildings with mature trees. Blog.
***PERMITTED*** Land To North Of Exeter Road Topsham Exeter EX3 0LX. Construction of a 72-bed care home and associated parking with vehicular access from Bewick Avenue. 20/0229/FUL. (Open agricultural land with existing hedgerows on one side and a mature Deodar next to the side entrance. Blog.***PERMITTED***
Land To The South Of Oxygen House Grenadier Road Exeter Business Park Exeter EX1 3LH. Development of up to 5,575 sq m of B1(a) office space with access to highway and associated parking (details of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout reserved for future consideration). 20/0238/OUT (Abandoned site with no mature trees. One developed hedgerow on the one side). Blog.
Aldi Foodstore Ltd And 452 Pinhoe Road Exhibition Way Exeter Devon EX4 8JD. Demolition of existing Aldi store and 452 Pinhoe Road, construction of new Aldi foodstore, reconfiguration of car park, amended landscaping and amended pedestrian and cyclist access. 20/0203/FUL (There are three London plane trees and other shrubs on the outskirts of the car park -which should remain). Blog.
Land To Rear Of 26 Harrington Lane Exeter Devon EX4 8PB.Permission sought for three dwellings (Approval sought for details of access and layout, all other matters reserved for future consideration). 19/1776/OUT (This is a small rectangular piece of land that is full of established trees and shrubs with a high amount of canopy cover). Blog.
Land At Pinn Lane Exeter Devon. New shared pedestrian route off Pinn Lane to provide a dedicated cycling and walking facility. 20/0011/FUL (This covers a wide area so a mixture of trees, shrubs and plants.) Blog.
Former Exwick Middle School Higher Exwick Hill Exeter EX4 2EF. The construction of 43 dwellings with associated gardens, parking and landscaping with vehicular access from Gloucester Road via Higher Exwick Hill. (Approval of Reserved Matters of Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale pursuant to planning permission reference 17/1788/OUT granted on 7th January 2019).19/1712/RES (Large area with lots of established hedges and trees). Blog
Former Foxhayes Infant School Gloucester Road Exeter EX4 2EE. The construction of 31 dwellings with associated gardens, parking and landscaping with vehicular access from Gloucester Road. (Approval of Reserved Matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to planning permission reference no 17/1789/OUT granted on 7th January 2019). 19/1713/RES. (Good sized area with mixed trees and shrubs). Blog.
7-9 And 10 Blackboy Road Exeter EX4 6SG. Retention of the Sorry Head public house and demolition of the vehicle servicing centre for redevelopment with a four storey building comprising of a part ground floor retail unit (Class A1), purpose built student accommodation development (75 bedspaces) above and associated private amenity space, secure cycle storage, bin storage & landscaping.19/0733/FUL (Small area split into two unused buildings which are a pub and garage. A great chance to plant trees and sensible housing). Blog.
Aldens Farm East Land Between Chudleigh Road And Dawlish Road Alphington Exeter.Residential development scheme with accesses onto Chudleigh Road and Dawlish Road, associated infrastructure with all other matters reserved (Amended Scheme). 15/0640/OUT (Large area with lots of hedgerows. Nearly all of the trees are within the hedgerows). Blog.
Hill Barton Farm Hill Barton Road Exeter EX1 3PR. Outline application for up to 200 dwellings (Approval sought for details of access only, with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping all reserved for future consideration).19/1375/OUT(Very large open grassland and hedges). Blog.
Whipton Barton House Vaughan Road Exeter Devon EX1 3JN. Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 92 apartments, access and parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure/highway works. 19/1621/FUL (Small area with several mature trees). Blog.
Land Off Ikea Way Exeter EX2 7RX. Construction of 200 dwellings, means of access, public open space and associated infrastructure. 19/1647/FUL (Large area of mostly open land but also two small group of mixed trees and hedgerows). Blog
Land adjoining Exeter Road, Topsham, Exeter. Outline planning application for the construction of up to 24 dwellings (Use Class C3) - Means of access to be determined only (All other matters reserved). 19/1465/OUT(Large strip of open grassland and hedgerows). Blog.
The Vines, Gipsy Lane. Construction of 20 dwellings, parking and associated external works to include 7 affordable dwellings. 19/1384/FUL(Open grassland and mixed trees). Blog.