Common Yew which is also called English Yew is often planted in Church grounds. In the wild it is often growing in Beech woodland.
Irish Yew is darker than Common Yew. Often found with Common Yew in church grounds. This is a non-native Evergreen.
"We at Evergreen Energy run all year around - even during the winter! Our amazing Cutin technology helps us against water loss and ice damage making sure our leaves stay healthy. As we don't renew all of our leaves every year we can collect energy any time. We prefer to run our power plants at similar times all year around. Due to our amazing water saving systems we can operate in the cooler regions as well."
"We at Deciduous Diesels collect more energy during the summer than the winter. We shut down our power plants during the winter to save water and energy. By getting rid of our leaves each year we ensure they don't get damaged during the winter. The old leaves fall to the ground and we re-use the energy via our root system. We typically collect energy from the sun as per below: