Plans: 05/06/2020_Application Form Plans: 05/06/2020_Clifton Hill Tree Constraints Plan 14-02-20 Plans: 05/06/2020_SE1909 Clifton Hill DAS R2 Plans: 05/06/2020_12072 Clifton Hill-Exeter -GIR-2 Plans: 05/06/2020_190908 R 04 01 Proposed Softwork Schedule Map: Click here to see the map Reference: 20/0691/FUL Alternative Reference: PP-08770239 Application Received: Fri 05 Jun 2020 Application Validated: Fri 05 Jun 2020 Address: Clifton Hill Sports Centre Clifton Hill Exeter Devon EX1 2DJ Proposal: Demolition of existing sport facility and rifle range and redevelopment of the site to provide 44 new dwellings, associated car parking, amenity space and access. Application Type: Full Planning Permission Case Officer: Howard Smith Ward: Newtown And St Leonards Applicant Name: Ms Emma Osmundsen Agent Name: Mr Tomas Gaertner Agent Company Name: SE3D Agent Address: Home Field View Prockters Farm Offices Taunton TA2 8QN Environmental Assessment Requested: No WHAT 3 WORDS: GOOGLE MAP INFORMATION GOOGLE MAP IMAGES Please leave any comments below - they are all welcome. But more importantly - if you are a resident of Exeter please leave a comment on the Exeter planning website. If the consultation window has closed you cannot leave any further comments on the Planning website.
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Plans: 22/05/2020_REVISED Application Form Plans: 01/05/2020_Planning Statement_final Plans: 01/05/2020_Spruce Close EcIA report FINAL V1 Plans: 01/05/2020_A537_Spruce_Close_BS5837_Arb_Report_08042020 Plans: 01/05/2020_1863_1100D_Illustrative Masteplan_Colour Plans: 01/05/2020_1863_300M_Indicative Block_Plan Map: Click here for the map Reference: 20/0538/OUT Alternative Reference: PP-08671106 Application Received: Fri 01 May 2020 Application Validated: Fri 22 May 2020 Address: Land Off Spruce Close And Celia Crescent Exeter Proposal: Outline application for up to 105 residential dwellings (Approval sought for details of access only, with scale, layout, appearance and landscaping all reserved for future consideration). Application Type: Outline Planning Permission Case Officer: Matthew Diamond Ward: Newtown And St Leonards Applicant Name: Mr Luke Salter Applicant Address: Cliff Barton Sowden Lane Lympstone Exmouth EX8 5HB Environmental Assessment Requested: No Impact: Established Elm, Ash and Blackthorn will be lost as part of this proposal. New hedging to be planted in place where needed. Two community orchards also be planted. WHAT 3 WORDS: GOOGLE MAP INFORMATION GOOGLE MAP IMAGES Please leave any comments below - they are all welcome. But more importantly - if you are a resident of Exeter please leave a comment on the Exeter planning website. If the consultation window has closed you cannot leave any further comments on the Planning website.
Plans: 06/11/2019_Application Form Plans: 06/11/2019_Harlequins - Tree Protection Plan (Part 1 of 2) Plans: 06/11/2019_Harlequins - Tree Protection Plan (Part 2 of 2) Plans: 19/05/2020_Arboricultural Officer Plans: 06/11/2019_Harlequins - Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report(1) Plans: 18/05/2020_REVISED EHQ-LHC-EX-ZZ-DR-A-04.16-Illustrative Coloured South-North Elevation-C02 Plans: 18/05/2020_REVISED EHQ-LHC-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-06.07-3D-Computer-Generated-Image-(C03) Map: Click here for the map Reference: 19/1556/FUL Alternative Reference: PP-08189300 Application Received: Thu 07 Nov 2019 Application Validated: Thu 07 Nov 2019 Address: The Harlequin Centre Paul Street Exeter Devon EX4 3TT Proposal: Development of a Co-Living (Sui Generis) accommodation block and a hotel (Class C1) including bar and restaurant, following demolition of existing shopping centre and pedestrian bridge, change of use of upper floors of 21-22 Queen Street to Co-Living (Sui Generis), and all associated works including parking, landscaping, amenity areas, public realm improvements, new pedestrian bridge and provision of heritage interpretation kiosk. (Revised) Application Type: Full Planning Permission Case Officer: Matthew Diamond Ward: St Davids Applicant Name: Mr Greg Fox Agent Name: Mr Chris Dadds Agent Company Name: JLL Agent Address: The Senate Southernhay Gardens EXETER EX1 1UG Environmental Assessment Requested: No Impact: - 1 x Ornamental cherry tree and 4 x Sycamore trees will be removed to facilitate this proposal. Several small trees will be planted as well as suitable landscaping. The current proposal will not have 30% or more canopy cover which is not helping to keep the city clean. Also the plans show this is as 4 x Norway maple to be removed -as far as I know it's mainly Sycamore trees in this area. WHAT 3 WORDS: GOOGLE MAP INFORMATION GOOGLE MAP IMAGES Please leave any comments below - they are all welcome. But more importantly - if you are a resident of Exeter please leave a comment on the Exeter planning website. If the consultation window has closed you cannot leave any further comments on the Planning website.
Plans: 08/11/2018_SUPERSEDED Application Form Plans: 08/11/2018_SUPERSEDED 18003 RT01 Design and Access Statement Rev E for email Plans: 26/02/2020_BS5837 Tree Schedule Bakerland Plans: 11/05/2020_Tree Officer 11 May 2020 Plans: 24/04/2020_REVISED 18003 - BAK - L02.02 Illustrative Site Layout Plan Rev P6 Map: Click here for the map Reference: 18/1625/FUL Alternative Reference: PP-07206173 Application Received: Thu 08 Nov 2018 Application Validated: Tue 04 Dec 2018 Address: Land To The North Of Arran Gardens Hollow Lane And Higher Furlong Monkerton Proposal: Construction of 44 dwellings; car parking including garages; landscaping; internal access roads and associated infrastructure and engineering works. Application Type: Full Planning Permission Case Officer: Debbie Crowther Ward: Pinhoe Agent Name: Mr Lawrence Turner Agent Company Name: Barton Willmore Agent Address: 101 Victoria Street Bristol BS1 6PU Environmental Assessment Requested: No Application Type: Full Planning Permission Case Officer: Debbie Crowther Ward: Pinhoe Agent Name: Mr Lawrence Turner Agent Company Name: Barton Willmore Agent Address: 101 Victoria Street Bristol BS1 6PU Environmental Assessment Requested: No Impact: Sections of the existing hedgerows will be removed and new replacement of mixed native species planted. One of the hedgerows has up to 11 apple trees which are at risk of being removed. The current proposal is around 35 new trees to be planted including English oak. 35% of the housing is to be made as affordable. The canopy cover is not likely to hit the 30% target which the Exeter City Council are aiming for WHAT 3 WORDS: GOOGLE MAP INFORMATION GOOGLE MAP IMAGES Please leave any comments below - they are all welcome. But more importantly - if you are a resident of Exeter please leave a comment on the Exeter planning website. If the consultation window has closed you cannot leave any further comments on the Planning website.
Plans: 21/03/2018_Landscape and Visual Assessment Plans: 17/04/2020_Cover Letter 17.4.20 Plans: 17/04/2020_Planning Statement Plans: 17/04/2020_Illustrative Block Plan Plans: 05/06/2015_Archaeology Reports Map: Click here for the map Reference: 15/0641/OUT Application Received: Fri 05 Jun 2015 Application Validated: Fri 05 Jun 2015 Address: Aldens Farm West Land Between Shillingford Road And Chudleigh Road Alphington Exeter EX2 ProposalResidential development including new access onto Shillingford Road and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved for future consideration except access). [Revised scheme] Application Type: Outline Planning Permission Case Officer: Paul Jeffrey Ward: Alphington Agent Name: Mr C Liversidge Agent Company Name: NPS South West Ltd Agent Address: Venture House One Capital Court Bittern Road, Sowton Industrial Estate Environmental Assessment Requested: No WHAT 3 WORDS: GOOGLE MAP INFORMATION GOOGLE MAP IMAGES Please leave any comments below - they are all welcome. But more importantly - if you are a resident of Exeter please leave a comment on the Exeter planning website. If the consultation window has closed you cannot leave any further comments on the Planning website.
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