Common Alder is a native deciduous tree of the UK and fairly widespread. They are often found by rivers and streams and their roots are nitrogen fixers. |
Cut leaved alder 'Laciniata' was Introduced from France to the UK in the 1820’s. They are fast growing deciduous trees and can tolerate pollution. |
Grey Alder is a non-native species and was introduced to the UK in 1780. They can tolerate poor soil conditions and are often planted to reclaim derelict land. |
Italian alder was introduced to the UK in the 1820's. This is one the taller types of alder tree. Deciduous in nature and they will hold onto their leaves for a very long time. |
Speath alder is a hybrid of the Japanese alder (Alnus japonica) and the Caucasian alder (Alnus subcordata). It is a fast growing deciduous tree. |
Common Ash is also known as European Ash and is the third most common tree in the UK. It is a tall deciduous tree and is a native species of the UK. |
Single-leaved ash is a cultivar of Narrow leaved ash and is rare across Exeter. It is a decidious tree and has very distinct and unique leaves for an Ash tree. |
Weeping ash is very popular cultivar of Common ash and was widely planted in the Victorian Era. It is a small sized decidious tree. |
Blue atlas cedar is a very pretty evergreen which is native to the the Atlas Mountains of Algeria and Morocco. Atlas cedar was introduced into the UK in 1841. |
Common Beech is a fairly widespread tree and is often found in parks and fields. It is the tallest native deciduous tree of the UK. |
Copper beech is also known as purple beech and is believed to be a natural variation of Common beech. It is a tall deciduous tree with deep purple leaves. |
Cut-leaf beech is quite rare and these trees are not classified as a native species of the UK because they are an ornamental cultivar. They have very distinct leaves. |
Himalayan Birch is widely planted across the UK as an ornamental tree. It is often and easily confused with Silver Birch which is also widely planted. |
Silver birch is a deciduous broad-leaf tree native to the UK and widely planted. It is a pioneer species and can produce tens of thousands of seeds each year. |
Black locust trees are a native species of America and was introduced into the UK in 1636. It is a fast growing deciduous tree and has a habit of suckering. |
Yellow buckeye is native to to the Ohio Valley and Appalachian Mountains of the Eastern United States. It was introduced into the UK in the mid 1700's. |
Yellow catalpa is native to China and first introduced into cultivation in 1849. It is a deciduous tree which has large heart shaped leaves and creamy yellow flowers. |
John Downie a cultivar of Crab apple and a very sturdy small deciduous tree. It is a cultivated type of tree and not classed as a native species of the UK. |
The Exeter elm was discovered in 1826 and propagated by the Ford & Please nursery in Exeter. It is traditionally believed to be a cultivar of the Wych Elm |
The Handkerchief tree is also known as the Dove tree or Ghost tree due to the striking white flowers. It was introduced from China to Europe in 1904 |
Horse Chestnut trees are better known as Conker trees in the UK. They are a deciduous broadleaf tree native to the Balkan peninsula. They are now naturalised in the UK. |
Red Horse Chestnut has been in cultivation since the 1820s and often planted in parks and streets. The flowers are deep pink and pollinated by insects. |
The Indian bean tree is a deciduous broadleaf tree. It is native to the South-Eastern parts of America. The pretty white flowers are pollinated by insects - mainly bees. |
Common lime is a large deciduous tree and can grow to heights of up to 45 metres making it the tallest broad-leaved tree in the UK. |
Cut-leaved lime is a cultivar of the Large-leaved lime tree. It is a small to medium sized deciduous tree and can grow to heights of up 20 metres. |
Large-leaved lime native to the UK and is planted in parks and green spaces . It is a large deciduous tree and can grow to heights of up to 45 metres. |
The Silver lime tree was introduced into the UK in 1767 and is native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia. It is a medium to large sized deciduous tree. |
Small-leaved lime is a native tree of the UK and widely planted. The 'Greenspire' cultivar is often planted in parks and streets. The leaf veins are covered in orange hairs. |
The history of the London plane is not very clear - but they are the most numerous tree in London. It is a large deciduous tree and often pollarded. |
Maidenhair is an ancient tree species and often considered a fossil tree. It is a large deciduous and native to China. The autumn leaf colour is fantastic. |
Field maple is native to the UK and is commonly seen as both hedges and trees. It is a deciduous tree and is the only truly native Maple species of the UK. |